LISA: The Hopeful - Ace of Hearts

2 months ago

"I didn't know what to draw for this patch!"

Patch 0.1.4

Old saves should work
And so should Achievements

  • Fixed several typos and misspellings

  • Fixed the Peach Gumball stunning you for 4 turns

  • Fixed some convos being played at the wrong time

  • Removed the 'Battle Log' script. Did anyone actually used that?

Please let this be the final patch before the next big update, PLEASE...



Next up

Enough Ace of Hearts! Have a Belbo!

"Filthy bugs! Get outta here!"

Patch 0.1.2

You old saves should work.

And so should Achievements. (just drag the new System folder to it and choose to replace)

How dee doo dee....

Kept you waiting?

Sorry for that, but y'know how it is...


I think you deserve to see what this new experience has to offer, no?

Go play it.

Or don't!

I'm not the boss of you...


-Signed, with love...


Hey! You!

While you wait for me to release my next mod in the next 500 or so years, why not play this mini-mod I made for a contest who ended... 5 seconds ago!?

It got 3rd place! So clearly it's some of the good shit!... 3rd place outta 8, but still!

"Ever wanted to play AoH, but NOT strain your eyes by trying to read the text? Boy, have I got the thing for YOU!"

Patch 0.1.3b

Your old saves should work. And so should Achievements. (just drag the new System folder to it and choose to replace)



How do you explain these games to a normal human being?

Good to know the EE's at least get a place to sleep!

EMERGENCY PATCH! (for real this time)

Patch 0.1.5

Your old saves should work.

"Jesus, guys. I know it had a ton of bugs, but this is a bit much!"

Patch 0.1.3

You old saves should work. And so should Achievements. (just drag the new System folder to it and choose to replace)