3 years ago

I don't know if this will fit in here but.......

Are you kidding me she's 56 years old 56 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!

what in the actual fuck how is it possible to be 56 years old and look like a walking piece of beef jerky

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Hey everybody can everybody who sees this report @TIME_TO_DIE he steals art, he's rude, he made someone's friend quit Game jolt and even almost manipulated my friend into not trusting his friends


hey can I have a job here

I can make burgers

I can clean every room

bacically everything

so what do you say

I'm back here you go because you deserve it

when the vegan teacher gets banned again

Triple mega fat ultra


Crelle Pelphine

What @TIME_TO_DIE did to someone

it shocks me that there is people who defend him

#BANTIME_TO_DIE it's time for degenerate scum to get banned

support the cause

remember this guy will try to turn you against your friends

you got art he'll steal it