3 years ago

I don't usually address something like this but I feel like it's important for me to do so to clarify some context

Long Story Short

So recently a friend linked me to a video with questionable content in it. As of recently something occurred where I was impersonated in Kane Carter's server, this is something a little like that but not sure if it's the same user.

Basically someone uploaded a video on YouTube sharing screenshots of a user pretending to be me and trying to make me look bad by spitting out racial slurs and offensive messages, I obviously can't just ignore something like this as people will start being concerned about me, so I'm here to address it.


It is in fact a user pretending to be me again, ways to tell this is that the name spelt in it is P_N_M, when the way it's actually spelt is with an extra _ on the end ( P_N_M_ ).


Obviously this is done to make me look bad, not sure where this even took place whether this was actually from Kane's server or somewhere else.

The next thing is when they changed their username, which this as well is another point to prove this isn't me, because the name spelt in their name isn't even how you properly spell my real name, the way it's spelt was how friends of mine (people I know in real life) would spell my name in front of my community server as a joke, yet some people take it seriously.


The last thing they go onto do in the final part of the video is showing a screenshot of my name and tag to make it look like that user was actually me, but this is where the first point comes into play.

Again, the name they had it was P_N_M, which the screenshot shows the corrected name, my actual profile. The flaw is with this screenshot is they cropped just the name, something they miss the point on is if you click on anyones name it shows a drop out box, which is one way of showing it's the real user and not a fake.


The other way is actually showing their profile on the right side tab list of the server.


While in the video all they did was just crop my name and tag.


I thought I'd address this because obviously impersonation half the time is no joke, and that whatever you see on the internet you shouldn't believe off the bat without the side of the story from the person apparently involved.

I don't care if they come out to say this was a joke or if it was serious, something like this can be very serious.



Next up

Coming back from the grave for a minute to say Happy World Rat day haha

He's still learning

Question by @Inverted_Minnie

Aw shi we approaching 2k followers on the community. I might have to post something if we hit the goal.

Head done!

Five Nights at Treasure Island (Original 2017 Version) now available on the collection page

And here he is it's... SPEEDEE!!!

I kinda wanna expand out what I post here on Gamejolt like what I post on Twitter, on the side I like to play a bit of Pokemon GO so what if I post some achievements I get, like this Hundo Dratini from Spotlight Hour?

The Winner is now added! Claim your smiling Suicide Mouse sticker!

And there it is!!! I finally made a good fanart for my favorite fangame ever!!! After 2 years of trying to do something good I finally did it

Another faker much wow. Too lazy to write again here just read the tweet or whatever
