11 months ago

I drew Pauline from Dead End

I love her design, she’s great

ehh sorry if it’s not that good? It’s a style I’m not used to so it was hard drawing it how I draw

(My art. Not my character)

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Bruh we r on our way to see my sisters bf again (and fly up to see my cousin)

an accident happened and now we’re stuck in place on the high way

I hv two new drawings wow

I’ll either post them later I dunno cuz I don’t hv thr patience rn

also I js realized I had a dream abt the worst person on earth that ruined sm shit for me

I’m at the hotel whoo

I took these pics a few hours ago but I didn’t hv internet

enjoy stupid pics w my paper cut outs

LittleBigFunkin Concept

The month where i act more gay than usual

I redrew Hatsune miku !!

(Second page was the old version i drew a few years ago)

(sorry for not updating as much TvT)

I wanna go home aughhh

I was laughing so hard at this image for no reason

Drew my fursona for the first time in a longg while wowie uhmm him <3

scheduled post

day of birth

adrrerrruuhghhhh I’m prolly on a plane rn I dunno

uhhhh whoo second birthday on gayjolt