Undertale Yellow: Done Justice

1 month ago

I ended up thinking of a new attack similar in format to the Froggit Leap Attack for Flier. Fitting since these are absent in Yellow.

Might be interesting to think of a couple more of these for various Monsters, especially for the ones lacking pizazz.



Next up

What do ya'll think the significance of the Tough Glove being in the UNDERTALE Dimensional Box is? Leave your thoughts down in the comments. I'd like to get a better idea on this for later use.

You can now shoot the Froggit to death.

Had to repost this one since I caught a mistake earlier. Also fixed a big border bug I was struggling with for a week thanks to @spacey_432 ! Will post more of these updates to make up for the big drought.

Got bored so I made more maps for UTY 32-bit. Helps that I fixed a lot of issues with the Lead2ner engine, and that I'm no longer crunching for Mystic Slime's Mod Competition. (Undertale But Frisk Is A War Veteran killed my entire family and made me cry)

This has to be my favorite out of the new shortened item names that appear in battle. UTY Missed out on comedy gold.

Update on the UTY Project: After a bit of work on a full-on port didn't run very smoothly, I've decided to go the full recreation route using Fanimator's Lead2ner Engine. For some reason I also made this room out of Tiles to save kilobytes of space.

The first two Puzzles are now completable, though I may take a while refining Frisk's interaction functions, since this particular Scenario made me realize a critical flaw. Working on this Project has been great for this Engine, dood.

Was adding in attacks and for some reason I was amused by Flier sending his fly things to The Shadow Realm. Oh yeah, his dialogue is a bit shorter now too. It's to match UNDERTALE as UTY mistakenly used the boss Speech Bubble for Random Encounters.

Archived about 3 Prototype Builds for the Undertale Yellow Project so far. Hopefully this next Engine revision sticks. Sorry for a weak update. As an apology... Here's some old Horrorswap Concept Art of Asriel as a Party Member.

Finally... After a WHOLE MONTH of no notable milestones, I finally have something worth showing. This is the new STAT menu layout for the UTY Project, with room for a KILLS counter. BIG thanks to for the initial mockup. (image 2)

Accidentally created Comedy