1 month ago

i feel like ranting again

read article

Does it REALLY matter if you’re single or not? Sure I understand wanting a relationship, go right ahead! Nobody is stopping you! But that’s not the point of this rant. The point is that there are some people who prefer being single and just do not care about looking for a relationship. (me) And there are some people who go like “oh cmon you GOTTA find someone!” most of the time it’s harmless and they just wanna look out for you. This is fine too, it just feels weird when after you tell them “i’m not really interested in a relationship!” And yeah, people (usually) respect that! But for me, it feels weird when after you say that they push you into finding one (it doesn’t work that way cmon) and you start feeling uncomfortable. I had this happen to me plenty of times and I felt bad for the person I rejected each time (thats just me tho.) Another thing about this topic is when you say “no thanks i’m not really interested” and they KEEP trying to get with you after you say no hundreds of times. Like seriously? I said no already, why are you still trying? Yeah that’s p much it, if you don’t wanna read allat then heres a summary

TLDR; Relationships are a choice, not something you HAVE to get.

This is Spongle, and I am craving mac and cheese please get me some



Next up

why is he everywhere now

looks like trouble…


weird deformed nugget i got

help from the void


Ray william johnson going crazy with this one

my first time drawing sonic (i drew it for my sister)

been a while since i sprited huh?

(sorta insp. by jackedupjauhed on deviantart)