
4 years ago

I figured since this page is kinda blank I'd introduce the characters of Hysteria.

Ok so originally I wasn't going to introduce the characters or talk much about the story or post screenshots because I was worried about spoiling my own game. Kinda silly, but ya know. I want to leave some stuff to the imagination with it and its story. Well I was going to do an update and realized how blank, plain, and frankly boring this game page is. So I figured I may as well do something about it. I added a couple screenshots of two areas in the game, one of which shows an event that can happen. I'll add more as I add to the game, probably when/if I add custom art for events or talking. Anyway onto the mini introductions for the characters

You (not pictured) - the main character of course. They were forced into the group by the teacher and don't know the others in the group very well. They take notes over the things that they see. The rest is up to you.

Liam - Liam is the boy with dirty blond hair. He's pretty average in most ways, but works as a good leader for the very dysfunctional group. He is very committed to his morals and being as good as possible in any situation, but because of this he is very unforgiving of things he sees as morally wrong. He also sees people very superficially, although not on purpose, and normally trusts appearances and first impressions. This makes him very susceptible to being tricked by people who put on acts to seem genuine and moral, and it takes either an obvious wrong or a long time for him to realize his mistake. Because of his quick assumptions he distrust Sam completely, with no intention of giving him a genuine chance after hearing about his bad reputation, meanwhile he trusts Jolie as she acts like a good person to him and others on the surface. He isn't as familiar with Kat or you, so he acts neutrally. He was put in the group as he was absent the day groups were assigned.

Sam - Sam is the boy with the black hair. He's rude, antisocial, and tries to seem as heartless and tough as possible. In reality he is nice. Kinda. Little glimpses of a kind and caring nature slip through the facade occasionally, but he covers this up in any way he can. The big scar of his face is from a kitten that he owned as a child, but he prefers not to admit this. While the rude and heartless traits are almost entirely an act, he genuinely isn't fond of people and was forced into the group, like most of the other members, but he prefers to avoid them if possible. He was forced after fighting with members of the other groups, making him unable to join them. He avoids Liam since he knows Liam doesn't like or trust him, purposefully antagonizes Jolie to annoy Liam and because he sees through her nature, and tries to avoid Kat since he doesn't want to act rude to her but doesn't want to appear kind. Kat gave him the disliked nickname "Sami" at the beginning of the project.

Jolie - Jolie is the girl with the pink hair in pigtails. She acts sweet, but only as an act to avoid any bad look on her. She loves the spotlight but hates sharing it with anyone else, especially other girls. She likes manipulating people to do things for her and defend her from the drama she starts. The kind act is also to defend her from the accusations of those who see what she does by making others think "she's too nice for that", discrediting her accusers. She hates being alone and is entirely reliant on those around her, but tends to be condescending if she doesn't have her act up, especially if she sees the person as lesser than her, like having cheaper things. She's nice towards Liam, but many think this is to take advantage of his protective nature towards kind people. She constantly fights with Sam, as he causes her to expose her hateful side. She's the most vicious with Kat, trying to make sure she's not acknowledged. She's the only member who willingly joined, hoping to get more followers.

Kat - Kat is the girl with the pinkish hair in a ponytail. She's the quiet girl of the group. She tries to stay out of focus as much as she possibly can, while trying to help out as much as possible at the same time. She doesn't have good social skills and this makes her get overwhelmed very quickly, especially when fighting starts in the group. Which is often. She is snappy when she gets panicked but tries to be kind otherwise. Despite her fearful demeanor, she has a very positive outlook towards others, and always looks for the positives. These things make her very easy to manipulate and walk over, however, as she normally won't say no, wanting to help and please others. She doesn't know much about Liam, but looks up to his social confidence. She tries to look passed Jolie's attitude towards her, ignoring her comments and assuming it's not on purpose or to be hateful. She does go out of her way to talk to Sam, who she nicknamed "Sami", as she refuses to believe he truly is as rude as he acts.

AAAAAAND THAT'S IT. I know they're kinda generic and cliche, but honestly I kinda wanted them to be. I didn't want them to be really deep complex characters like the others I make. That and the cliche "types" became cliche for a reason, they work. I will say though that some are based on some people I knew, but I won't say who or how. The pictures aren't final, and will almost definitely change in the future, but they help to show who is who for now.

Anyway, I hope you like the characters, and sorry this is so long, but yeah. Anyway, it's 1:00 AM when I finished typing this so.. GOODNIGHT!



Next up

Got a lot of progress done so far! Got the coding and maps done and all for all this. Progress is going good

I've was able to get a lot of the rooms fully finished! A lot more are soon to be done too

Sorry about the late update, got hit with some health stuff. Still making progress though!

We're almost there, there's barely anything left to go. I'm getting excited for it. I do have some medical things to deal with next week though, so progress (and so the next update) may be delayed

I thought I updated last week, I apologize. I've mainly been working on the ending cards, and I've been making some good progress

A good bit more progress. After this I'm gonna work on a side feature for the game: a notebook for the events. The notebook will keep track of the decisions you made and the events that happened because of it.

sorry for the wait, I'm also working on side details that I'll talk about more once they're finished

I added a couple entries, so now it's actually done. Now I'll be coding it into the notebook in the game

The ending cards aren't fully polished enough for the bar but I did make some good progress on creatures and the spider room entirely!

So the medical stuff was/is more complicated than I was expecting, but things are pretty well at the end. I'm mainly just adding the last bits of polish and code