23 days ago

I got bored

I’ll bake em later,,



Next up


I’m having my blood drawn tmmr

I’m getting tested for Celiac

And I’m getting my Thyroids tested

This year is full of doctor appointments for me,,

Alr gonna go to bed now

Here’s a WIP of the drawing

My friend has yet to give me the cookie,,

Gotta do the bg then lighting then I’m done uhh,;

Todays the last day of school then summer,,

I’m genuinely extremely conflicted on whether to go or not, not because of finals but because I really like my classmates in these 2 classes and I’ll miss them a lot,,

But also I feel like shit cause I’m sick so

Uh it’s pride month I believe

I haven’t drawn Jack in a long time

Happy pride month❕❕ :]]

I got 2 flags,, maybe 3

My therapist has starting talking about the possibility of me getting HRT so I’m really happy about that fuck yeah

Testing is finally done, I passed em all hell yeah,,

Just got finals, 6 more days of school left :]]

Then I’m finally fucking free for 2 months yehahsnjshh,,

I can draw again,,

Here’s a work in progress of the drawing I’m making for my friend,, it’s gonna take a while to finish,,

Schools done in 2 days woo❕❕❕❕ can’t wait for the brainrotting, it’s time for my brain to shut down :]]

New drawing soon, finally❕❕❕

Schools almost over and I agreed to draw my friends OC in trade for a cookie

Sorry I’ve been gone, I got sick again 🙁🙁


My parents think I’m weird for wanting books on mediaeval medicine for my birthday cause I wanna make fun of them

Like, the ONLY way that I can study is by pretending to info-dump on a medieval peasant I need more stuff to dunk on them for,,