4 months ago

I got logged out of my Discord account, but I have lost access to it.

Read the article to see what happened.


@Not_Ellie DM'd me earlier today that she clicked on some random link that caused someone to gain access to her account, and causing her account to report all accounts on her friends list, including me.

She told me to send a friend request to Dustin Swiggett's account to cancel the report, so I did that. One of the steps to cancel the report was to temporarily change my account's email to an authentication email.

But then, one of the later steps of this were to provide payment info (bank name) and if online banking was active. I told Dustin that I didn't have a credit card, but then he didn't say anything.

Some minutes after I said that, I got logged out from both the bowser app, the desktop app and the mobile app, as it's telling me to log in again.

Problem is, I didn't copy-pasted or screenshotted the temporary email, so I guess I can't login anymore, because I had to change the account's email, and my account will be disabled due to what happened.

I've had my account since October 2017, if I can't log in again, it'll be disabled and I'm gonna miss all the conversations that I made since then.



Next up

Current roster for FNaW Green Jerry Edition.

HMR will be the last Mario-based OC that I'll add to the roster, as I don't want the game to have too many Marios. I now want OCs based on other characters like Toad or Yoshi, but that will be difficult.

The art for all achievements are now finished.

Updated thumbnail, header and screenshots.

Finished FrankenWario's renders and jumpscare.

Made a model for @Scrap_Metal to help me practice with organic modelling. I've done organics before but never felt satisfied, did this one very well. Might try to get into organic modelling, it's pretty fun!

Thanks to @DaRadsla for helping rig it! ^^

Mummy Wario Man's renders (and AI) are now finished.

Idea I had for a future FNaW game inspired by @MLS_FNAW 's MLS Editions, with the idea of using OCs in place of the original characters.

We laugh at the stupidest stuff.

I just bought Clickteam Developer!

I'll now be able to add screen stretching toggles to my Android ports.