3 months ago

I got rid of Toy Bonnie's eyebrows



Next up

Do people even remember this game? :(

Ugh... more FTAH IV talk... and what we know so far...

Again, I don't like talking about FTAH IV.

I hate myself

What are your guesses/predictions for the game?

You've heard of Toppin Gals, Toppin Monsters, & Toppin Warriors, now get ready for TOPPIN BOSSES!

Thingy... art style test...

(Amy/Experiment 887 Belongs to OctoComix/CasinoMan)

Rockclones if it was good/mid/howyouviewtheshowidfk

Sorry I didn't have anything for Pride Month

It's my birthday (and Spla2n: Octo Expansion's 6th anniversary)

I'm 18 now

Yay, I guess... 😐

(I'm fucking old)

In light of Splatoon 1 servers shutting down and LBP completely fucking dying in the same month

I admit, I never played Splat1, I got into the series at Spla2n

Today's the day

My peanuts weenuts hahahahaaha