1 month ago

I got the discord account back now almost got stressed out I’m just gonna go to sleep for now so good night

And also thank you Alex pikmin for recording the voice lines



Next up

You know what I’m gonna give this to one my friends on the chat as a gift I will decide who should it be

You know what that means :)

Zach? V2

Look, i found a @SkyGlide5 GD cube

Stylized noob (something I made of scratch cause I’m bored)

Sky's room [Fanon]

I’m gonna use this for Christmas-

The game will be pause for now (cause making some music for a game I’m working on that you will check out after this post)

I’m testing on polka dot manny the blue mouse 1995 animatronic

Its First December OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got nothing to post on this gamepage

The game is doing well