15 hours ago

I had red the Minecraft Wiki of unused Stuff, and saw one entry about a Soulfire Blaze Variant.

So I decided; Why not make my own Version of what that could be.

Introducing: SoulBlaze (Name Pending)

Soulblazes can rarely Spawn in the Soulsand Valley, they are slightly smaller then their Regular Blaze Variants, Deal less Damage but move faster.

I havent thought up too much about them, But I hope they are a cool thing so far.



Next up

Some Minor Progress on my Undertale: Green Take.

Not much done because I didnt felt like it, but I think I will try to get the rest of the 3'O Clock Crew done.

I miss Pikmin WIP

I think Cooper (Fan OC for Indigo Park) needs a Re-design to look more Spider-ish, but still fit Artstyle wise.

Its tricky so far.. but I hope I get there.

Hmm, didnt really age all that well...

Second Image fixes that lol.

Double Standards be like:

Crude Concept of what the Shadowy Person would be for my take on Undertale Green|Purple.

Introducing the 3 O Clock Crew, with Chad Oe, Umbre, and Dimy Midnight.

Been sometime Posting, sorry for that, Been distracted with other Stuff.

Decided not only to make this (Crude) Music Art Cover, but also in the progress rewriting my Lyrics for Rosey's Music Tracks.

Read a Snippit of it in the Article below!

Put your Opinions in the Comments!

Btw if you know where this Red One comes from; Bonus Points lol

Had an Idea for a while now for a own take on a UnderTale: Green.

Not really finished since its a side thing, I may work on this every now and again if I feel like it..

Well Ligtners and GentleDarkners; We have reached the End of August, Summer is Over!

Read more in Article.