1 year ago

I had something else planned for Halloween, but I'm not gonna get it done in time.

Have a special Shapemaze Halloween update. Added some pumpkins to the game. That's about it.

Also I finally set up payments on GameJolt, so the game is now Name Your Price

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Development is going good. Chapter 1 now has a lot of fruit! Someone's got to eat it I suppose.

yes i am sidetracking, the new area is mostly complete, but I'm going back and tweaking earlier points in the chapter.


Demo 3 is now in the oven. Get ready for 2 new songs and local Co-Op. Also here's a screenshot to hype you up :)

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR remastered and TNAR Nightmares are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Sorry for the long wait, but the Android ports of TNAR Nightmares and TNAR remastered are now available to download here and in the Android Download Center on my website.…

Posted one of the updated songs that will appear in the recoded Chapter 1 on SoundCloud. Take this and the sick art I made for it