scratch api test

2 years ago

i had the dumb idea to frequently update this game so uhm

yeah new trophies coming soon

shh you can get "sneak peeks" by looking at the trophies before the update releases



Next up

YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM NOW????????????????????????????????????

2.2.2 - platformer update

i FINALLY finished the platformer

is it just me or have i never seen a 20 piece mc nugget box

like are they even real??? hello???


added 2 trophies

i dont think the "sick" trophies work and i dont wanna fix it because i need sleep

because it doesn't work i'll just tell you how to get it: dont die :D

edit: works it does

also i added a way to go back to the platformer

2.2.0/2.2.1 - THE DESKTOP UPDATE

this adds 3 trophies relating to the desktop added in 2.1.0, and 1 trophy relating to the platformer.

ok this isn't funny anymore i should stop.

l uigis mansio

digital v3

multidimensional madness isn't coming back, hell no, i just made this because I thought it would be funny

also the reason why it's 5 whole minutes is because ^^^