5 months ago

i hate love

thats it

love is stupid, it gets to your head and messes with your entire system, why the hell do we even need it?? why do we have the ability to love?

mic drop

(vent incoming in article vv)

yes, i indeed am having a breakdown because of a fictional character

i dont think i should feel unsafe to "love" something/someone because mother said i shouldnt. i can chose what i like, cant i?? I HAVE MY OWN FUCKING BRAIN, AND IVE BEEN TOLD BY SPECIALISTS THAT IM SANE(in a matter of speaking im not insane, i just see things on a different perspective) SO I CAN TELL WHATS GOOD AND WHATS BAD FOR ME OR WHEN TO STOP DOING SOMETHING BECAUSE ITS HURTING ME, BUT NOOO SUDDENLY MOTHER IS A SPECIALIST,, AND THINKS THAT RIDDING ME OF ONE OF THE ONLY THINGS THAT MADE ME HAPPY WAS A GOOD IDEA,, yeah.. very smart of her, might aswell make me quit drawing if she thought that was a good idea

anywayy, have a good day pookies 😇😇

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Next up

yayyy,, i guess??

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc


- urge to speak

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)

we love casting spells

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak

hatman sees all.

first post after changing my name to murray, feelin good

also redesign of my main oc, gonna feature himin the linked-pin post,, i didnt have much motivation so excuse the sloppiness

screenshot frm my drafts,, ngl i feel like some people really need to hear this, and i hope tht the person i hinted at with this post notices (they blocked me a long time ago for nothing)