2 years ago

I have a secret…

See, I’m not who you think I am, Im secretly- THE CREATOR LIED TO US -agh, I mean I’m secretly- A PENCIL AND A DREAM -I have something in my throat, I’ll just tell you all later.



Next up

Mother and Son

Made this dude with the idea of a PVZ/Angry Birds crossover. I dunno what I was going for, but I think I based him off of the egg delivery guy from that one ProZD skit.

Monofied Leader Remake


heres smth me and the Jolt’s End team cooked up

QUIET (Jolt Mix)

(YT Version: https://youtu.be/qZlfLz9a5kM?si=PsCjTNvThte5yPjq)

@Inferno_i_guess fanart 2: The Inferning

I have no god damn idea how to make thumbnails lmao

Used a bunch of drawings and made a new header for the community, thoughts?

Underworld Luigi