Assassination Sunday
6 months ago

I have an unfortunate(?) announcment. Assassination sunday is being put on hold. There two reasons, both adding onto eachother. A. School (Highschool is coming fairly soon so I've gotta pick classes) B. A new project that is currently in the works.



Next up

Dissaproving mario

I spent too long making this

me when I look up rabbit hole on youtube and watch the video by Vocaloid Music (6.76 thousand subscirbers) uploaded on March 13th 2024 with (currently) 787,241 views, and (currently) 22 thousand likes

There's also this

Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori. Mori.

Still want more characters for the Character AI ttrpg campaign…

Funniest meme I've seen today