Fnaw3 cre remake in powerpoint
4 years ago

i have disappointing news. read this article to see i will do

so i think this game didn't make me happy. i think i will stop making update on this game.

becuase if i make votes in post no one vote so i will stop make updates on this. and possibly. this game will canceled. so im sorry.



Next up

Another Teaser For You Guys.


v2.0 is here download the game I hope you enjoy the game

hi guys I need your help please give me a ideas to make another modes and rooms from you I'm very need your help

Because I'm Not Found An idea to add it in my game

So That's A teaser

yet another teaser

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Just a Pico sprite

Family band complete!