3 years ago
I have put the game on itch.io now. I will post more updates there without the daunting GameJolt character limit.
Games will still be here too, though!
Next up
Regarding the Valentine's Day DLC.
Hi all,
Originally I planned to have the VDDLC to release as an update to the base game, adding more secrets. But instead, I've decided to make it it's own game. It will be much bigger and better! Enjoy some screenies.
oh yeah... that's why i don't do 3d modelling. i suck at it.
keepitwound (2/3)
null: release //f0und//
Be aware of him.
hescomingforyou (1/3)
enter // teaser m0de
error: null found
found this guy in the woods, dunno what he wants
begin. 13.3.22. (3/3)