I have some Bad and Good News.
Bad News: I am cancelling the game. For some time I have been beating myself up with my decision and this is my decision. My story I had for this game was complete but i recently have been going through a break and when I returned I didn't have much happiness coding the game i usually do. When I started I had the same feeling. But here's the thing i get happier when I make up my own story not when i go off a story or copy a story. So for the sake i will cancel the game if you would like to read the story of this game click this link and you will be sent to a google doc of the story i made. Now i have to say thank you to all of the people who have been there to the end another reason why I cancelled the game was because my teammate @Samdaman Productions™#6065 has not helped me with this game. Now i am not mad. He is doing what he loves and i am too. At least i thought. But the reason why I didn't want to caneel the game is because i have created a fandom of followers who would have loved this story. So Now I will say thank you to all my gamejolt follower and discord members thank you at the end of this post.
Good News: I am cancelling the game but I am thinking of making a simpler game of my “skills” so sooner or later I will post about it. It’s going to be like a fun platforming game which i think will have cool characters and funny dialogue so stay toon for that. And plus you will be shouted out at the end of the game for so much support.
Conclusion: Thanks so much for understanding, even if you don’t I am truly sorry for doing this. I didn’t want to do this. Pls forgive me and i hope you follow me though my coding adventure. I send all love to you guys for supporting me and i hope you have a good Day/Night depending on where you live
Special thanks:
the golden fox
❤❤Lust Toriel.❤❤
Linx 4 Youtuber: https://www.youtube.com/user/LiNXfour
And all the rest of the 89 people who followed (sorry i got lazy:( Xd )
Thanks for following me game and hope you know i am truly sorry and i will make sure that you guys desire the best for you following me for a long time but i end up shutting it all down