3 months ago

I haven't slept in the past 2 days.

just kidding, but It almost feels like it, well maybe because I don't have the capability of being in my own room at the moment and instead am currently sleeping on a couch and watching every possible movie that I've watched ever and could think of while reading this sentence over and over again as fast as possible which explains why there aren't periods except this one.

Or that could be just me being tired. Or some other shit.

And this is the part where you stop reading this, and go do something better while probably thinking about this.

Oh and if you're wondering, the celling fell, I feel like i've gone insane.



Next up

A note to you, and a note for them.

A hidden, cancelled game of mine.

"Five Nights at Sonic's 4 DLC: Reworked"

Help Wanted!

(repost, my apologies)

My friendz are cute(wha

Character mechanics and how I wanted them to work.

(sorry if it looks a little, low quality, had to change the size of the image)

Some gamepage & game assets I did.

First 2 things are for the gamepage, and the rest is game art.

1 more room left to do, The Kitchen!

anyways have the Arcade Area

Family Goals

#GameJoltColors24 You like recolors? No?

well, recolor is in my name anyway! so, yeah.

have Carrots but with GameJolt Colors. (This is the 3rd time i've had to repost this because gamejolt quest's are super dumb on how they work.)