1 year ago

I just figured out that Yoshi actually is GOOD to have at the window!

He may drain more power, but he also does something else while at the window..

While attacking, both Daniel and Onion will instantly leave if shut out of the office!

This means that having Yoshi SAVES power, by letting you spend less power keeping Daniel and Onion.

Just a neat little tid bit I figured out.



Next up

i found this in my junk drawer

oh yeah if anyone remembers that freddy fazbear security game i revealed on april fools that's like.... cancelled...... so,....... whoops!!

i'm such a responsible lil' fella :P

Happy Birthday @jeb_yoshi Here some Fanart!

Spindly fanart. I like this character in new update so far.

Didn't have much to do so I decided to straight do traditional art instead of digital art of fnay 2020's bday. I know a lot of things look weird like the noses and all but eh, happy late birthday! May your creator be proud of you fnay.

this game is so much cooler anyway...