Disbelief Continued
6 months ago

I just released a patch with a bug in phase 10

please re-download the game

I'm pretty sure your progress won't be affected

1 comment


Next up


i cooked phase 4 intro remaster

woah, is that db continued progress????

hi chat, phase 4 is finished LMAO.

i had a lot of motivation for some reason :p

this man, fish react him. >:D

anyways, progress is going good

i'm taking a sort of a mini-break because i'm making a survival fight as a birthday special.

(my birthday was January 18th!!!!!!!!)

Phase 6 intro attack done.

what? did'ja really think i'd give up on this project?

is this more fair than the OG first attack of phase 2..

yeah, I'm remaking the entire phase due to complaints of it being too difficult and unfair :p

Phase 3 first attack WIP

I tried making it fair. things may change

Papyrus got blocked once more by the box lmao

Phase 4 progress!!

I'm going all out on this one!