You know gabi..ur story sounds so fake..i dont know where to start?? first of all...
how did u suicide, jump off a building, have a coma.. then suddenly got recover by ONE day.. like shesh..@Marcel_43 now ik ur gonna defend her but she's a drama queen, attention seeker and a hypocrite. Coma takes 5 to 10 days to recover. She broke her bones meanig it take months to recover. She even told her sister groomed her even tho she's a muslim? hello??? it's a lie dammit. Her dad's abusive. Even if he was, he knows its haram and he wouldnt be like that. And tbh..u treat us like puppets..and gabi u didnt even mention bout wheelchair or anything. so thats mad suspicious.
Now tell me..
@human-buddy @Marcel_43
@Gchefpp and the others...
what will be ur comment for this?? gonna defend? gonna accept?
even other ppl knows this crap is fake! :D
open this link rn for more lies and drama bout gabi's lies!!