Classic Home Invasion
2 years ago

I know I've been posting a lot lately, but I simply HAD to show off the new title music by Alex L., who will also be doing the rest of the music for the game now!

I think it's great and I hope you do too!

1 comment


Next up

90% of playtesting is just dying to the same character over and over lol

(Considering the fact that there's no randomness and the solution is always the same, 18 is a LOT of fails lol)


Happy 4th of July!

I don't particularly care about or really celebrate this holiday but I wanted to make a special render so I made this lol

This is probably going to be late because of how slowly Gamejolt processes videos

Every shadow is a caution.

Not sure if a game screenshot counts as fanart, so I'll also post some art from one of my friends! This is a character in my game FNAF: TD, Hypno! He changes a lot based on what media he's in, but in my fnaf fangames he is an animatronic! #MyAnimatronic

long night

An important message.

What are some things you guys would like to see as options in the extras menu (unlocked after getting any ending)?

BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

I'm still working on this game! There was a bit of an issue that halted development for a while, but now I'm back! I don't have much I can show yet, but here's a quick GIF showing off Bonnie's new look and the new style for the room backgrounds!