Undertale: Last Breath: Kenobi's Take
2 years ago

I know it's late, but here it is regardless: a preview of the improved phase 1 i talked about in the previous devlog! As you can see, a LOT of it's not finished, but i wanted to put this out to let you know that this game's still being worked on. (slowly)

Also, sorry that the recording looks so scuffed. The game usually runs at a smooth 60 fps, but when i try to record, the performance always takes a hit. Anyways, i'll hopefully be back soon when i have more progress to show. bye for now!

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Next up

it's my birthday, so i wanted to give you guys SOMETHING about this game in between the drought. I do want to get another devlog out at some point since it's been so long, so teasers will be more sparce for the next while.

Not gonna be able to cook much next week because of exams, but I'm very happy with how everything's coming along lately

Phase 2 intro is also like halfway done I think I spent most of my evening working on it

Got an actual good idea for how to start phase 2 finally

Gonna start putting it in action tomorrow. You won't get to see any of it until the devlog hahaha

If it turns out like in my head I will truly be cooking

noelle joined

I know i'm a bit late on this, but thank you for 30 followers! This silly little passion project is slowly gaining an audience, and it feels very weird, but still, thank you!

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Erm.... game CANCELED!!!!! Hahahahahahhahaahahahahhahahaha APRIL FOOLS DUMBASS!!!!! Am I funny yet

DEVLOG #1: Connection.



Sans after I kick him down 7 flights of stairs (overreacting)