3 days ago

I like attention to detail.

Also I wonder if it's canon that Frisk needs glasses because I think they should have been able to read that.

Just look above.

1 comment


Next up

I'll try to see if I can make a vegetoid-type encounter but with Froggit so you interact in overworld and the battle starts.

FNAF- I mean, uhh, we need your help! Yes, YOURS! At least if you're one of the people Papyrus mentioned...

Welp, waiting for you!

Fill out this form if you're interested:


Thank you in advance, everyone who will apply!

I totally know what I'm doing-

I did it for Loox

Bro what-

No longer a secret eh?

I did it! The new armor adds defence!


I single-handely ruined the sprite position! Good job me!

Buff Toriel be like:


My friend, I either ruined your design or perfected it, you tell me which-
