This patch is not ver.2 but it will include some things that were supposed to be in it, this version will be 1.1.0 now then allow me to list off what the patch will include.
All doors and screwdriver will need E to be pressed to interact.
Loading screens will be added
Make it impossible to stand up in the vents
Minor change to the news paper (cutscene)
Different voice clips based on your actions.
As for what will be included in ver.2 you can check the "READ BEFORE PLAYING" post to get an idea as to what will be added in that version, it's going to be a few more weeks before ver.2 is ready so hang tight and I hope you enjoy ver.1.1.0 when it releases eventually (I'd give a date BUT I suck at schedules so I'll just make a post when it's ready).
Yours Truly: Xavier S.
Oh and one last thing, mac port will be coming the same day as ver.1.10!