6 months ago

I'll watch it when it comes out.

Have you already watched it?

the first episode and the secret episode?

Subscribe plz: https://youtube.com/@MazaEstudio?si=BTaLCILXZVbc2UF0


Secret link

Story secret

Character cool



Blood warning

Scary scenes

Vhs mp4.



Next up

πŸ™ πŸ˜ πŸ’’ 😒 πŸ˜ƒ? πŸ’€ 🀩🌟🌟🌟


Art commission asked by our dude @skeleboi21 with this thing, i've had so much fun dude...it's different from what i draw usually,i'm proud of drawing your idea!

How did I not know this animal existed? Do you know GΓΌby & friends??? Is horror analog

who kidnaps children

Thought I may as well post this li'l analog/digital horror sketch page where I kinda just jotted down whatever.


I wanna creater a book and this is images "portuguese"

Eu quero criar um livro e essas Γ© as imagens. Ajuda.


Was biking home last night, when i was going back from hanging out. This guy was blocking the road Decided it wouldn't be a good idea to cross him, so i turned around and made a detour. Has anyone encountered him aswell? I'm worried my locations safety

I dk... idraw