So basically, I have only one character design done for now, but another one is about to be finished. Also after I finish the characters on the menu for effects, I'll actually be starting the playing portion of the game! I'm also thinking about adding an Extras menu so the player can view some of the models, music used in the game, and more. I personally recommend checking out the music for now by @MelodyMoony because it sounds fantastic. Aside from that, I wanna thank anyone paying attention to this game for being patient while I work on the game, and while I'm busy learning another programming language. I also wanna thank @MrWhiteRabbit and @MelodyMoony for helping me out on this. This most likely couldn't happen if they weren't helping. But anyways, that's all for now! P.S. Here is a model leak for a secret character in the game. It's probably the worst character model in the game, but it's a secret character anyway, who's gonna find him (also a badge for encountering him in game).
Meet Jeff!