Lisa the Nonsensical 2: Big Shot
10 months ago

I love how much build variety there is in this game. You can go fire, ice, dps, a mix of stuff.

I used a comp of HARD support and regen stacking for a lot of testing.

Lucius, Salt Crab, and Tooley can outheal a lot.

I saw someone using Tooley, Salt Crab, and Rocky which is also a really good comp for this strat plus Rocky can apply debuffs to whole groups easily which is very useful.



Next up

I have acquired the files for Lisa The Nonsensical 2.exe from @NeroSteinsberg

Concept art of Tyler Cten by @MaddieDoktor who will appaer in the Alex and Joel game

I wonder what this is for


Really? A chest? They need to start coming up with new ideas tbh


Nonseniscal 2 dev face reveal

This feels useful

This mf really compared the normalization of trans rights to normalizing genuine pedophilia. What the ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! "I have nothing against trans rights" THEN THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK This is unintended transphobia at BEST Dickhead

Average LISA strat