Pokemon Red 3D Remake
5 years ago

I'm awakeeee! Goal for today is to finish route 101 and then do some simple models.



Next up

I didn't plan out the shell and the arm so squirtle looks fucked. butttt its just a placeholder for the future model, so yeet. Didn't even bother with the legs due to it already being bad

Monster I made for Colorblind (Not final pixel art, just a sketch) I really like the design.

Okie I'm done for today (most likely)

Here's an image on the partial progress of route 101, was confused on how to do the ledges and i realized, ELEVATION! I think thats what they were trying to display :) so this is what I did.

Difference between not using reference photos (in blender) (1st photo) and using reference photos (2nd one)

I'm happy with it. On to Scyther!

The Courtyard where the characters hang out when not on missions is done!

That'll have to work for now. #weedle

Freaking MANKEY is an abomination, it has a pig nose, circle body, cat ears, monkey arms and tails, and FREAKING CHICKEN FEET. Wth

Start of art on W's Shop. The finished sprite will have some cool stuff hanging around ;D

Placeholder done for the Player's (Red/Ash's House). I think it looks pretty damn good (I also havent done windows yet so yeet.)

Pallet town finished (PH WIP)