Five Nights in the Future Precursor
6 years ago

I’m back! + How teasers are going to work.

BOY AM I GLAD TO BE BACK. I didn’t anticipate how long the break was going to be, but it was worth it.

With that being said, throughout my time away from this game it was difficult to come back to this page knowing I wouldn’t have anything to show for quite a while, so that’s why I decided to hold off from checking here until my break was done.

I think it’s been four months, not two, so I’m sorry about not communicating that this would take longer, but as I said, it was difficult to even look at this page because of the delay.

This tends to happen with my projects, they get delayed much further and stay in an endless development cycle. During this cycle I make progress, but then regress when I decide to plan more things into the game, which often times requires me to make more assets and delay the project even further.
Way back in winter at the turn of the year, I planned to have a trailer or the game itself ready by the release of the next FNaF game. This turned out to be Help Wanted, and I was planning to have a teaser ready for when that game released, but evidently it didn’t happen.

In fact, I’ve been planning to have some form of content relating to the game ready by many of the past FNaF releases. The urgency started with FFPS, where I thought FNaF was going to be over, and then I was planning something in time for Ultimate Custom Night, but then it didn’t work out.

Help Wanted is no exception, and because of this, I’ve learned to let the game release when it’s ready and not hurry it and cause myself to crash in the process. I am not in control, I can’t manipulate all facets of life to deliver the perfect circumstances for any of my projects, but I can try to accomplish as much as I can.

I am going to outline how teasers will work.

This is something I think I need to do to make teased content more effective in what its supposed to do: communicate concepts.

All my teasers so far have been pretty ambiguous, and that’s fine to a point; having mystery is great, but it runs the risk of communicating no solid information at all, which means it doesn’t really tease anything.

The extreme of this is a teaser with information so locked up and hidden away that it can only be understood when the project itself releases. In other words, its like a puzzle with six pieces, but you’re missing all but one of them. You can’t solve the puzzle until you see a picture of how its supposed to look, which means you yourself never solved the puzzle in the first place.

Therefore, here is the outline for how teasers will work:

If a teaser has a subtitle beneath the image stating:

o Symbolic: The teaser is using symbolism to convey an idea and most of the time is not actually literal. The image or specific aspects of it are not guaranteed to be in the actual game at all and are focused on delivering information about stuff in the game or about the situation surrounding the game itself.
o Conceptual: It means its conveying gameplay or story elements either in a symbolic or literal way. It’s almost guaranteed that what’s in the teaser will be in the game, but its not guaranteed that the exact image will be there.
o Screenshot: An in-game screenshot, highly likely for all elements in the image to be in the game unless something is changed afterwards.
o BTS: Behind the scenes show what’s going on in the development view rather than the final product. This will likely be rarer.

These teaser labels cover pretty much everything I plan to do. If in the future I need to create another label, I’ll confirm it in a post.

This is all experimental, so if this kills any enjoyment you have towards the teasers then let me know; if there’s enough people disliking this then I’ll likely discard it.

Now this isn’t to say I haven’t touched the game so far, two or so weeks ago I did some work on the files, but I largely haven’t made significant progress. This means that final location I’ve talked about still isn’t completely polished and we are still in the polishing phase of development. BUT this is the last step in that phase. Afterwards is animation and coding, they’ll likely go hand in hand together.

I believe that’s all I have to say, hope you guys are doing good!



Next up

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.1

Excerpts from the Book. (Click the right arrows until you reach the first page of the chapter).

Progress Bar for the Task at Hand

Third Progress Bar (Complete)

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.2

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.3

First Progress Bar (Complete)

Second Progress Bar (Complete)

Fourth Progress Bar Complete

Fifth Progress Bar Complete