1 month ago


My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty



Next up

That's cool!

My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty

Carnie :D

My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty

Super Thanks to @FNAFG0d_us3r25

For sending me lefty CPU.

Sorry for not posting for so long.

Benny comes out on 27th April!

(this is from Spawnpoint Interactive official discord server)

Thanks @FNAFG0d_us3r25

My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty

Cool! We finally got him! (This is from forsaken ar discord server)

Carnie is finally out for his carnival-tastic performance!

Forsaken AR Grind Part 3

All thanks to




For sending me the animatronics in this video

Forsaken AR: Defeating Totem Panic! My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty

Benny (a crossover pseudo skin from Fractured Franchise) has been added to Forsaken AR. He is from the Fractured Franchise series! He is a pseudo skin of Toy Bonnie. (Fractured Futures)

Ferris Mangle skin from a random lure!

My forsaken ar Friend code: FXEX7RQVAB

My username is: ForsakenNerfty