Sister Location: Unreal Engine Edition
7 years ago

I’m Back + QnA

Hey Everyone.
I’m back and I’ve finished my hiatus. I had a very nice time away travelling throughout the wilderness for 20 days. It was a great time for me to reflect and think about not only general life things but also the direction I want to take with my game development ‘hobby’.
My mind is fresh and I’m not longer procrastinating which means some major progress will be made.
One of the things I realised was that I had way too much on my plate. Developing three games at one time is NOT a realistic thing to do. As a result I have fully cancelled Lost and Found (both episodes) so I can shift my focus to Sister Location: Unreal Engine Edition. Sinister Turmoil is still making progress behind the scenes but it’s development should be much faster after the completion of SLUE4.
As of now I am super happy with how SLUE4 is going and I’ve got some really cool ideas for extra features.
I really believe you guys are going to love SLUE4 as it is certainly my best project so far. Not only does it replicate the original Sister Location, but it also adds so much more to create an individual, unique game.

Also considering I’ve been gone for a while I thought it was only right that I did a QnA (even though one was done not too long ago when I was away).

So yeah, ask away and I’ll answer :)




Next up


While we wait for the packaging issue to be fixed, here's a Sinister Turmoil wallpaper! Enjoy :)

Still Here

Down. We. Go.

Are you ready?



Another Sinister Turmoil Wallpaper :)


Time is running out...