Children Of The Stars
1 year ago

I'm back, with some good news and a new song. (And I'm not insane anymore so that's pretty good I think)

I know I know, where the hell have I been???

I've been taking a break to study for my important exams, so you'd think I have done nothing right?

Well yes but actually no. I've been writing a lot of lore for the game, give me a few more months and there won't be any more lore needed to write, lol. But seriously, since I've had nothing to do, I've been studying about space and fixing some plot holes, I can't say anything about progress on the actual game since @iBeanieGames is probably going to switch from Scratch to C# but no promises.

Any other good news? Well yes actually, I've made a new song, that's basically it, sorry I guess.



Next up

You want to see Early Art?

Wario show you Early art.

(Credit : @RaulEnyawGames )

Leak? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does.

Not related to the game but I thought it was funny

i made the game over animation for the game! sorry theres no sound my screen recorder sucks.

When I said I wanted an artist I didn't mean I wanted a theft artist

On the bright side, @iBeanieGames will probably kidnap him too after he finds me.

funny halloween art by @RaulEnyawGames

... im not sure how to ellaborate further

oh yes. i've been waiting to talk about this guy. Art by @RaulEnyawGames .

kura's final sprite. me and @SpinGames thought kura's outfit was too immature so here is the redisign

@RaulEnyawGames calls this "Thusshi"(Short for Thicc Ushi) and I won't even get into the specifics of what iBeanie thinks of it.

(Side Note : He told me to post it.)

ayo bro man is tweakin. @SpinGames why would you say this?//////??//? thats innapropriate they are children.....