Pizza Tower: Delightful Crust Overload
6 months ago

I’m getting rid of the CYOP part of this mod


  1. It ruins the ability to open up the mod

  2. The crash is unfixable

  3. You already have a lot of opportunities

  4. Will be replaced by PTOWER, A GMod port to have its own mod soon

I hope this does not irritate you in anyway, its just crazy for me to do that



Next up

Ancient Tour’s New Design

Ya'll Don't Know what's going on man.

Great so now I’m being accused of faking suicided ok man, I was actually just modding and my friends sent me memes to make me feel better, don’t believe me?

This wasn’t able to come out this Halloween, so I’ll make it quick and try to release it faster and try to get it out today

Please, if your experienced with this stuff, do not just pass it off, please help,

Still working on it!

Some kid tried threatening to beat me up and all I could do was

Perfect. Now it looks good

Time Traveler: *kicks rock*

The Timeline:

Man I hate desert bus! Hopefully someone doesn’t mod it into PT!

“badlands_desertbus” (only during the escape, room after the ufo exit and before the cow cliff fall):