3 years ago
I'm here cause not only am I... figuring out if I'm a furry or not but because some of my closest friends are furries and I'm sick of them being hated on all the time. It's time for change and we are the spark to start the fire that will be this change!
Next up
I would protect the two people who are everything to me, the two people who love me, the two people I love.
@Queendipshit67 , My dark dipshit queen, and @Hell-0 ,My Dipshit King
okie dokie
Photo dummmppp I have like 60 some odd photos of me total but I just used these ones cause why not
les do it
Personal email is [email protected]
Uhm guys I think GameJolt is a little confused-
Alright well time for you guys to empty your random ass shit into my pms-