Mystery at David's: Chapter 1 (Official game page) (FINAL UPDATE HIATUS)
2 months ago

I'm not sure about redoing the cams, the art, and even animations on IbisPaintX...Especially animating since it'll be a pain doing I'm really not sure...and plus: I guess the art quality will be trash so...



Next up In case you don't know..MaD (Mystery at David's) has officially a second chapter! :D

Showing some ACTUAL progress of recoded, things going smooth.

Basically I apologize for being missing for a while.. But don't worry! I'm making something and the protagonist will be my oc and Pomodoro's least favorite character! Oh! And Pomodoro, if you're seeing this, you will ENJOY the animation >:)

Forgot to announce this for some days, but MaD Chapter 1 V2.0 is here! (read article to see what changed...)

I guess I overreacted in the last post, sorry if I freaked y'all out! To make things clear, here's a concept of how the menu will be (its a rushed drawing, because its just a CONCEPT) Guess the reference now ;) (i'm talking about the menu concept lol)

I honestly don't care if it's just one day away from the poll being finished lol. Here's all the content for the cancelled IbisPaintX update, dw. I'm still working on 2.0 recoded. (and I'm alive)

Welp, here goes nothing..I want to clarify that this is real as well..but don't expect me to devlog here too much, since I want to focus on Mystery at David's franchise (as of now).

It's out. Enjoy (art by me on IbisPaint).

New thumbnail. (banner should get updated as well)

The first image is Sonic in a camera, while the second one is just his Game Over screen (game over screen not final).