2 years ago

I'm so inactive with posts lol

I actually wanna post more but school, ativities and random things I do per day doesn't let me to draw a lot

I actually have lots of plans of drawings and crafts but I don't have enough time to do them, plus am too perfectionist when drawing but I'm trying to stop being it :D

I give an apologize to all of you I have pending a drawing but I'm doing them as fast as possible 😐👌

i also like to post drawings or stuff when it's finished, so that's another reason why I don't post so often

Thanks for still supporting me! :D

Hope u have a good day / night



Next up

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And we're back up

I miss everything currently ðŸ—Ģïļ

It's been long

Happy New years eve/Happy new years!

Decided to do my last drawing of Jack and Rose in my new sketchbook.

I love how it's almost midnight and I don't know anything about the really difficult test I have tomorrow ðŸ˜ļ

I'm so sick of everything

⚠ïļ SPOILERS ⚠ïļ

My Five Nights at Freddys movie video is entering production!

Heres a teaser!

haii everyone !! I forgot this web existed