2 months ago

I'm starting a Minecraft smp for fnaf scratch creators! add derpergamedev_97528 on discord to join!



Next up

I eat deez nuts

Xyrbos the Blood God! I'm not that good at art

Erper unturned

Bye bye (for real this time)

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you wouldn't know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.

First try?

Sorry I haven't been on as much my pc broke and I'm on this crappy Toshiba laptop from 2007 so I'm waiting to get a new one trust me I have big plans for later!

lil poster for my game based off of my rip off doodle jump game


(if u can notice there was a glitch so i just gave up and died)