Wish Of Your Death (TOR D-sides)

2 months ago

I'm very sorry for the inactivity of the game, I have been more focused on Onas Plus to the point that I don't have time to advance on this.

Although I already have The Cat model ready, but I can't post it because there is no internet in my house.



Next up

I'm trying to move forward as much as I can with this, since I don't want to be stuck in the same thing for a long time.

welp, here more progress

still working on the 3D model, cuz it's fun

(lie, I'm dying)

srry guys, I failed, I couldn't resist redesigning the characters again... IT HAS TO BE PERFECT

finished Cat model

body and head

this is not for the game, it's just done for fun and nothing more... because I don't think it's going to get to the texturing part (why don't 3D modeling programs think about potato computers )

spoopy croc faez

happy pride month, now it's time to force the genders of the characters in one of my games yayyyy