4 years ago

i made this underswap papyrus sprite a while ago and im still proud of it.



Next up

i really didnt wanna do this but because scratch is a CUCK SLUT BITCH im gonna have to make a shitty .exe conversion of the game and make a gamejolt page

ill stop being lazy and work on this again

completely forgot how to code tho what engine should i learn

i cant believe Calamitas did this im heart broken i never thought he would do this. Hes a racist cuck and i cant believe i didnt see that earlier. heres a proof screenshot of him being a big mean :(

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

I made this logo for my totally normal 8bit game go check it out if you want to https://gamejolt.com/games/5U9C8QdHSqPNpO4uDCJ31mUTm4Pl9xJrQn4Kl…

Making a swapfell papyrus fight remake/my version

sprite by justthetmg


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