2 years ago

I need to add him the colour, and with it, this draw finally it gonna be FINISHED

Please, give me your oppinions on the comments if I draws Good or Bad

Please, give me your oppinions on the comments if this draw it's the best one of the mines




Next up

1er dibujo: Primer intento de Boceto de VHS Sans.

2º dibujo: LB Sand fase 2.


Fase 5. A Melting Body.

Godly And Godly G.

Phase3. "An Enigmatic Enemy".

*789~ATK. ???~DEF.

*An Enigmatic Skeleton And An Enigmatic Father.

AU: GodShift.

Timeline Run: Genocide.

News for June and July (+ NEW DISCORD SERVER)

1ª Imagen: 1er diseño de Godly.

(En su tiempo pensaba que era Cool).

2ª Imagen: Alomejor el diseño final de Godly fase 1 × sus 4 fases × Godly Phantom Papyrus × Godly Gaster.

(Este sí que es Cool).

Your Best Friend

Dementia y su familia. (Rol)

Novia: Marian.

Hija: Gartne.

Créditos a: Mafe.


Mi AU más completo

News for August - Leaving Alpha

Godly Sans/ Godly Fase 2.