5 months ago

I need to say something important... please read the article carefully, it's about my computer.

And this is why I haven't been working on any games or ports for over a month.

My computer's been having this problem for a while, where it would crash/freeze without a BSoD, with the screen glitching.

It started on June 13th, on that day, my internet wasn't working until the night, and I went to play God of War on PCSX2, so that wouldn't get bored from not being able to do barely anything. I was having fun until I was on Rooftops of Athens, on the puzzle right before you get Zeus' Fury. My computer's TV suddenly lost signal right there, but the computer would stay on. I plugged it off and then back in, and it worked normally.

Then, on the next day, I went to turn it on, but the TV wasn't receiving any signal. Unolugging it and then plugging it back in, or turning it off and then back on with the power button weren't working. Though on that day I also travelled to another city for the weekend and I was away until Monday.

After I came back on Monday, the 17th, I went to turn on my computer and it worked normally this time. Things were normal until Wednesday, the 19th, where I was editing something on Paint .NET and my computer's screen suddenly froze with glitchy colored lines across the screen, and popping sounds coming from inside my computer. Tried to unplug it and plug it back in, and the no signal problem was back.

Around an hour later, it worked again, but for only about a minute, as the screen glitched and froze again right after I went to open Discord. I also took a photo of that:


After that, my mom switched the TV to the big one from the living room, and things were back to normal for a few more days.

On the 26th, the no signal problem was back again, but my mom was able to fix it and make my computer work.

Then, on the 28th, the no signal problem was back once again, but this time my mom wasn't home. Tried to fix it myself by messing with the HDMI cable, but I was only able to make it instantly freeze with glitchy lines on the motherboard logo:


Later that day, my mom changed the HDMI cable to another one, and it started working normally once again.

The next day (the 29th), my computer froze on the welcome screen while it was turning on, but this time unplugging it and then plugging it back in did fix the problem. Things were back to normal again for some more days.

Then, on July 10th, I was using it as I usually do, and I was working on FNaW 1 Green Jerry Edition. Then I went to lunch. When I came back, it was frozen. Turned it off and then back on, and I went to tell ProPG about that, but while I was typing, the screen glitched for a second, but this time something different happened: my computer got a BSoD! The stop code was KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. I ended up not using my computer until the night, where it didn't freeze or crash this time, and since then, I've been using it for less time than I used to in the past, usually only at night.

A few days later, I went to analyze the minidump file from that BSoD with BlueScreenView. Ntfs.sys and ntoskrnl.exe were highlighted in red. Something must've been causing my computer's file system and kernel to crash.

My mom also told me low storage space could be causing that, and suggested me to clean it up to free up storage space, so I did that, freeing up 80 GB of storage space. She also thought it could be a virus, so she also suggested me to run a virus scan, however there were no viruses after running a Windows Defender scan. Things were normal for over a month...

...until August 27th. I was working on making an Android port of The Return to Fredbear's by mrs_sugar, and my computer crashed while I was trying out the tutorial. The screen glitched like on the first photo, but this time, instead of a BSoD popping up, the monitor lost signal.

Then, my mom switched back to the big TV, and my computer was also dusty/dirty inside, and so it was cleaned.

My mom also kept thinking it was the TV I was using, so she bought a new monitor, which arrived on September 4th.

I was still only using my computer at night due to the crashes/freezes, however. On the 10th, it was idling on the desktop (I was only using it at night), being used as a phone charger. Around 6 PM, it had crashed once again, even though nothing other than Spotify was open (I don't have Spotify, it opens every time my computer gets turned on every time since I accidentally opened it a while ago).

My mom also recently started asking me if she would like to sell it or give it to someone else, since I haven't been using it like I used to. She doesn't have money to buy a new one right now, and she would also keep begging me to use it, and keep saying it's fine, and to plug it off and back in if it crashes.

It could've been my GPU/graphics card or even my motherboard that made my computer to start crashing/freezing, and this could've started just because I was playing God of War on PCSX2 back in June.

After all of this, I haven't been using my computer at all for a while.

Now, my computer has been taken to a friend who's gonna try to see what's wrong. He ended up resetting it, so that means everything on it has been deleted, and I'll have to download my programs and apps again, but this might be difficult (especially reinstalling Clickteam Fusion and Android Studio along with the build API, these things together take up some space), because my only way to access the internet on it is to use an adapter, and my computer tends to lose access to the Wi-Fi network and then disconnect from it, and I have to run the network troubleshooter to fix the problem. However, I've backed up some things (MFAs and some games), so they haven't been lost forever.

So far, he told me he was doing a stress test on the CPU, and it hasn't crashed for him. I told him about the glitchy lines across the screen to him, and he told me it could be the motherboard or the processor.

That's it so far. I still want to finish and release FNaW: Halloween Horrors, but this might be difficult now. If my computer still ends up crashing when it's back, I'll have to take a break from game and port development.



Next up

After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land

SMWC thread for the hack: https://smwc.me/t/129372 (More screenshots are available there)

New port is out: One Basic Night with Baldi.

Find it on the game's original page: https://gamejolt.com/games/OBNwBaldi/908065


Old drawings of Shamrock Freddy and Easter Bonnie that I made a while ago.

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus

This came up in a Brazilian news program today!

Me and a couple of friends are going to try and raise money for a suicide prevention project! (read below for more information)

#InayahWishlist Only doing this for the quest, but there's the screenshot.

#KnightlingQuest Can't play the demo right now, because I don't have access to a computer.

FNaBP 2 Custom Night released today, check it out: https://gamejolt.com/games/fnabpbetter/886642

Note that like FNaBP 1 CN, this Custom Night version of FNaBP 2 is only available for Windows!

So my OCs had tiny alters, and here they are. Here's the CORE 3 of my OC's, you can use these as reference for arts of any form!

Fred - wendigo

Samantha - wolf

Void - Void rabbit

Drawings are by the talented: @MarineBlue , go check out her stuff! :)


What's up with people randomly getting blocked from accessing Game Jolt out of nowhere? (the CloudFlare "Sorry, you have been blocked" error screen).

I know @AG_AHMAD and @AranBucobo were completely blocked from accessing the site.