so uhh Kelly is giving my family a dead line. Saying that we need to leave at March 1st or she will leave with or without. And it's really freaking out my dad. He doesn't want the same things happening to me nor my brother again.
If you know about my mom you,.. know why don't you.
and I'm starting to freak out myself a little bit.
I thought that Kelly was going to be excatly like my mother. And now we are seeing her true side of her. Get this though.
She's poor. We have money. And we are trying to leave to Texas. But we don't know if it's going to happen because we are going to need a bunch of money.
theres a bunch of shit happing to my family. idk why. I might need some support or help for this.
also yes. Venting here because apparently I don't have a therapist and I think the therapist is going to be bad. And I think venting to my friends can make my vros worse.