....All because I actually thought he was an inspiring artist that came here to show his craft, an artist who got recognized by gamejolt's algorithm. Now leads to this. It turns out he's doing the most deplorable things to his sister. The worst part about all of this is how many people including myself didn't know about this at all, especially since the audience was gamejolt. It almost like... he got away with all of this information out of the park, both metaphorically and literally.
I know moinbeet quitted, and he has moved on. I know that person behind the expose account just wanted drama to insue. But it also doesn't change the fact that 1400+ people just weren't exposed to this side, like at all. I don't want harassment to insue. Yet...
@Mark-born if somehow your reading this... I lost trust from you completely. Truly heart broken. I literally can't believe it.
Note: This is just my opinion about all of this.