1 year ago

I played a fun trivia game! From https://www.dckids.com/

I wanna say that the descriptions fit me! I like programming and fashion, of course! XDDD

Read article for translation 👇👇

Who will be your buddy in Super Hero High School?


Don't fight! Your new girlfriends are as crazy as they were. Both you and Katana appreciate the beauty around you. You may not have her sword skills, but your style and wisdom make you an excellent ally!

What was your superpower in superhero high school?

Your superpower is a genius computer skill

Solve the puzzle! Like Batgirl, you are a clever detective who can decipher the top-secret notes passed in the corridor. Equipped with first-class super equipment, you can always find a solution to the problem.

Which superhero girl is most like you?

Great! You are Katana!

Thanks to your brave character, you are always in the forefront of any popular affairs! You are very opinionated, but when you say your own ideas, you always behave gracefully, and your friends also appreciate your loyalty. They also appreciate your great style, and you are always willing to help them.



Next up

ventilation altercation meme 😂😂

drew this with my new pen!! XD

awwww cute lil ghost SoulBlind from HeckSoul! (he is @DundlerKraken 's oc!!! XD

SoulBlind is soooo adorable that can make my heart roll!! XD

...is there anyone likes them?

so im a fangirl who like the 90s boy band 😂

Batman on anxiety. Keep your head up Batty Bats. <3


toy freddy!!! 🐻🎮💖💖

new fan art!!!💞💞

he's @Pixel-1Games 's oc! and u can go to follow him!! XDDD

May the Harlequin Queen herself, Arleen Sorkin Rest In Peace. She suffered from complications with lung cancer. She was a doll and quite a character. Paul Dini and Bruce Timm were inspired by her to create one of the greatest female villians ever.

fnaf doodle