Talk more to friends
Catch up in every class (or almost all)
Play Roblox
Make another quiz
Make ## in my style in gacha club
Get my sleep schedule fixed up and get more motivation to genuinely be,, me, before the lack of motivation
Hang out with bsf
Make Christmas gift for said bsf (even tho Christmas is still a ways away, I prefer to be ahead LMAO)
Hatch all my eggs on Dragon City (they're overflowing my storage /j) and get more gems in Dragon City
Drink and eat more healthily (The lack of drinking anything other than soda is messing up my throat)
And I need to learn to eat other things, even if my appetite for food doesn't exist anymore, it's very unhealthy with how little I'm eating
Learn to just be me again.
Anyways, Imma get some rest, I'm exhausted
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