1 year ago


نمی دانم با خودم چه کنم، معشوقم را بی ارزش کردم. من سزاوار این هستم که با من مانند یک احمق رفتار شود. من می خواهم لعنتی بمیرم، جهنم خونین فقط مرا بکش

I cant even be bothered to translate it fully

Blah blah blah I made someone feel bad, blah blah blah I feel like shit, something something kill me please

Edit: actually google translated it


Uhhh yeah

I was meant to say beloved, not lover

Also made them FEEL worthless, not just worthless

Goddamn google translate is way to direct



Next up

Hear me out

I love his voice so much here he’s so cool

What the fuck

(i had no part in making this i just haven’t posted a lot today)

electra heart kinsona

comm for @drretro / @filthydirteater

I feel the anarchist coming inside me

I love when there’s random sounds / screaming in the lyrics it’s so goofy

Throws this at you

This hits so hard I’m a trans anarchist this was made for me